Friday 24 February 2012

You Gotta Have A Plan

                                             This is so true socialites. "You gotta have a plan"

Planning is key and the importance of it in any organization cannot be overlooked. 
In one of my classes, I learnt that as a Public Relations Practitioner, you ought 
to have excellent planning skills, they will come in handy when your organization
is facing a crisis. 

In the world of social media, it is also essential because, say for instance, you 
want to advertize a new product, you must conduct some research, which takes 
planning to know when is the best time to launch the product etc.

Even in considering when to buy the latest Ipad will  take some planning
because you have to incorporate the cost into your budget, you'll have to locate
the supplier and so forth. What am I saying, everything in life takes some level of 
planning and if you want to get the most out of any situation, it's always best to plan first.

Remember the old saying, "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."

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