Sunday 1 April 2012

Simply Amazing

Team Work

You might be wondering why do I have a picture of ants on my blog. Well the truth is, nature has a way of teaching us some profound truths. I admire ants because there are resilient creatures, they work together like a united army to achieve whatever they set out to achieve. 

In communicating across social networks, you can also have teamwork and gain benefits from it. Say for instance, you're promoting an event, you can first target your profile friends, who will in turn reach their friends and so on, soon enough your event would have had a lot of exposure.

It's amazing how communicating with others has changed overtime. It baffles me everyday. Social networking can provide you with limitless possibilities, if you network well. Participating in teamwork  can also yield good results. In many instances, this statement is proven to be true:-"United we stand, separated we fall."

The rules have changed and so has the game, simply amazing.

Friday 23 March 2012

Managing Your Online Reputation

In the world of social media and networking, like it or not, reputation is important. Your reputation is built overtime as you continue to communicate with people. What is your reputation? Well, it is the perceptions, beliefs and opinions that someone generates about a business, a place or an individual. According to Reputation Institute, a company's reputation is " the trust, admiration, good feeling and overall esteem that observers have for a company."

Having said this remember the existence of social media and the internet has transformed the world into a global village, eliminating previous boundaries that existed with communication. Today, a person in China or Greece can be reached very quickly. They're just a button away, in some instances.

Whatever, you put out there in cyberspace can have a serious impact on you or the organization you represent.When you choose to use Facebook as tool to connect with friends, you are not solely representing yourself.

Gone are those days......

In the eyes of the public, you will be seen based on the varying positions you occupy such as a student, employee, mentor, husband, wife, manager, neighbor, church sister or brother. This is why you should think carefully and consider your audiences when posting photos, tweeting, emailing etc. The photos you upload speak for themselves, as the saying goes, a picture can say a thousand words and can have devastating effects if it is perceived negatively.

Reputation ought to be taken very seriously, especially if you want to be marketable, or build your consumer base with customers that trust you, in the business context. An organization's corporate image is so important that companies are investing in agencies that can assess potential employees based on what they place online, for example on Facebook. Here's some recommendations that can assist you in managing you online reputation:

1. Be careful and exercise due wisdom when placing information online.

2. Check your social network profiles regularly. There are mean persons out there. Look out for scams and frauds, especially on Facebook.

3. Choose your friends wisely. The saying "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are" hold some deep profound truths. Persons tend to judge you based on the friends you keep, so be mindful of those friends who like to express how they feel by posting obscene words on your profile page or by tweeting it to you.

4. Whoever you are representing, ensure you represent them well, by always being respectful and ethical in your online and offline behavior.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Life Is Funny When You Think About It

Cognitive Conflict

Ever so often when browsing the internet, I come across really interesting stuff that makes me wonder why we communicate the way we do or make certain decisions. I realize that sometimes I experience mental conflict when trying to make a decision.

 Say for instance, wondering whether I should say something to someone because I know (morally) it's the right thing to do given the situation but at the same time thinking that I shouldn't. Or what about saying something and doing the total opposite.

 It happens in social networking and in other cases, even with restaurants that have nice motto's that tell you that they care whilst the workers treat you with disdain. This video offers a different perspective based on the conflict that goes on in the mind.

Thursday 8 March 2012


It's amazing what you can do with good networking skills :)

I recently attended a leadership training programme, titled 'ELECT HER' which was aimed at motivating females to be confident in taking up leadership positions. Besides being empowered by the eloquent speakers, there was something else that stood out that I want to share. What was it?........The Power of Networking. I know you probably heard it all before but listen, by perfecting this skill, there is nothing that can hold you back. The world is yours. For my fellow students out there, who are getting ready to graduate, this can land you that dream job, if you play the cards right. In the corporate world, it's the same. Excellent networking skills can allow a company to earn major profits, its about being in the know and simultaneously, who you know.

Some persons are naturally gifted at socializing in any setting, but for others, developing those skills are only garnered through practice, practice and more practice. Social networks have made it easier to connect with others but there comes a time when you have to interact with individuals, face to face, and at this point, you MUST be fully equipped and ready. Having said this, I must offer a word of caution. In communicating, social networks such as Facebook and probably LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to accept or reject persons as you desire, but remember never burn the bridges behind you. The person you choose to isolate today may very well be the person you meet as you climb the social or corporate ladder tomorrow.

Here are some tips that I've learnt, which can be very useful in networking.

1.  Always have a SOLID HANDSHAKE. It reflects your assertiveness and confidence.

2. Always maintain EYE CONTACT. It shows that you're keeping up with the conversation and you're listening.

3. Introduce yourself using your FULL NAME. It sets you apart from other persons when you do this.

4.  When in doubt or need more information, ASK QUESTIONS. Don't be shy, but be mindful of them, ensure that they are relevant. This can foster the start of a good relationship.

5. Finally, always have your BUSINESS CARDS available or at arms reach. This makes contacting you easier.

Saturday 3 March 2012

BaLaNcE is KeY

Social Media Addiction Linked To Break Down In Family Relationships

Dear Socialites,
Today, millions worldwide are enslaved by the latest drug, social media. In fact, research suggests that a whopping 350 million persons are addicted to Facebook and other social networking sites. The problem is so grave that it is deemed chiefly responsible for the erosion of many family relationships and has affected the quality of face to face interactions between individuals.
According to a recent Jamaica Gleaner article, “Facebook has been accused of being the third party in some marriages and has led to the ultimate break-up of couples who can't seem to stay away from the virtual community…. and some grow suspicious at their partner's unwillingness to add them to their friend list or to even acknowledge that they are in a relationship or married.” However, couples aren’t the only ones being affected. Many parents are now faced with the burden of having to deal with socially isolated teens because of their online addiction. On the other hand, parents who heavily indulge in social networking, often times, leave their children neglected, unsupervised and robbed of treasured life moments.

Furthermore, bonding moments with family (such as having dinner together) is interrupted by members who are compelled to constantly send Twitter messages or answer Blackberry pings. Family conversations are significantly reduced as more time is allotted to social networks. Undoubtedly, social media is like a double edged sword. Although it provides several avenues to connect with relatives both near and far, it can also be a social nightmare, keeping members of a household physically and socially apart.So, what are the possible causes of this latest addiction? 

Research suggests that it may be linked to deeper issues of despondency, low self esteem, or one’s failure to have true real life relationships. Having said this, please note that social media networking should never be a hindrance to real life friendships and family relationships, nor should it be a means of escape from a real life problem. The key to it is BALANCE. BALANCE and MODERATION, this will not only help in fostering better family relationships but it will also help you to function better in other areas of your life such as in the school and work setting. If you are a victim or know anyone who is addicted, seek help or counseling as soon as you can.


Friday 2 March 2012


To have a better appreciation and understanding of where you're going, you ought to understand the process of things. Understanding how something works can help you to know where you're mostly likely to have problems and as such, you can put things in place to avoid them from occurring. Communication at all times ought to be effective, meaning.... what is sent should always be accurately understood by the receiver.

In communicating with people, I often find myself answering inaccurately to a question that I'd been asked. I must admit at those times, most often than not, I really did not hear the question, but to be polite, I try answering based on what I thought was asked. The above diagram perfectly describes this.

However, I believe that the process of communication has become a little clearer to me and as such, when communicating with anyone, I try to limit any sounds that may hinder the process. Listed below are the various parts that are found in the communication process. If you ask me where along the process, that misunderstanding most often occurs, I'd say at the feedback stage. What do you think?

Good communication involves consists of several parts. These are:
  1. Sender - the person giving the message.
  2. Receiver - the person who is getting the message.
  3. The message - the information being sent which can be written or spoken.
  4. The channel - the method in which the message is given, e.g fax, telephone or conversation etc.
  5. Feedback - used by the receiver and sender to show they have understood the message.
  6. Interference - the barriers or things that can stop the message being understood, e.g noise, the way the message is decoded .

Thursday 1 March 2012

Best Friends Day

Today is Best Friends Day on my blog.

Big up to all those persons who have managed to keep best friends five, ten years. I salute you. Why? Because maintaining friendships is hard work. It is a lot of give and take, you know that thing, you call reciprocity, yes, that. For those who don't know, reciprocity is getting back what you give.                                                                 
Two Friends sharing over lunch
I believe social media has made it easier to connect to friends. No more, I haven't heard from you in a long time, how are you?

You can have conversations all the time. When you're mad, or hurt, all you need to do is post it, ping it, or whatever. And trust me, you'll get a response almost immediately. 

Sometimes it's hard to express what you really feel when you're in the company of your friend, so Facebook or Twitter makes it a little easier. Facebook gives you the opportunity to personally message your friend, even though, you have lots to say, trust me, this medium is adequate.

 But as all great things in life, like your spirituality, your family, your job, your figure or whatever, it takes commitment. Whatever you give, is what you'll get.

Check out this cool poem by Madeline Bridges.

There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,
There are souls that are pure and true,
Then give the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.
Give love, and love to your life will flow,
A strength in your utmost need,
Have faith, and a score of hearts will show
Their faith in your word and deed.
Give truth, and your gift will be paid in kind;
And honor will honor meet;
And a smile that is sweet will surely find
A smile that is just as sweet.
Give pity and sorrow to those who mourn,
You will gather in flowers again
The scattered seeds from your thoughts outborne
Though the sowing seemed but vain.
For life is the mirror of king and slave,
‘Tis just what we are and do;
 Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.                                                                                            

 - Madeline Bridges -                                                                                       
American poet (1844 – 1920)